Daveigh's Days... the Official Journal

Welcome to Daveigh's Days!! Here you will find the Official Journal for Daveigh.... Please feel free to comment on the jounal entries as you like!! Rock on!!

Sunday, April 30, 2006

to louise

sry louise about not posting some of your comments, once i post them, i can't find them easily, as they are no longer in my main file... and you have links in your comments, that i want to check out or add to my links page, i hope you understand, sorry to make you feel like i was ignoring you! i'm not and i appreciate you and all my fans so much!! if others are noticing some of their comments not posted and they have links in them- this is why for all of you. i don't want to lose the links. thanks so much for all of your time and hope everyone is having a great day! God Bless :)


Saturday, April 29, 2006

yahoo fansite for me

a fan asked me to plz post this in my blog,
she's started a fansite for me over at yahoo,
i haven't checked it out yet, but i'm sure it will be a nice one.
there are alot of great fansites out there for me, and i need to get busy and get those links posted up!!

Hi Daveigh!

I was wondering if you would please post this in one of your next blog entries. I just set up a fan group for you over at Yahoo! Groups and I think that a Yahoo group is a great way for fans to meet, chat, and get to know each other. I have several other groups and all of them are moderated by me, so no off-topic or inappropriate things are allowed to be posted. In addition, I check my e-mail several times each day, so nothing takes too long to process. The group is here:
If you visit the site today (04/27/06) there is nothing on it except links to your site and blog, but I will have the rest of the features up by this weekend. There are files, photos, links, a calendar, and chat features that will all be up by the end of the weekend.


Thursday, April 27, 2006

NO fanmail address--

I still DO NOT have one!
Any address you see on the internet listed for contacting me----It is incorrect.
Please do NOT waste your time & resources, sending fanmail to me at these addresses- I will not receive it!!
I am still hoping to set up a fanmail snailmail address,
and I will let you know HERE when I do, so check back!!
thanks so much!


comments regarding my blog

I just tried to read thru some of the posts, there are soooo many! Thanks for all of the kind posts :) I tried to post as many as I could read. I will try to answer them/others soon!!

Again, I keep getting posts from some who say I am not the "real" Daveigh; also getting posts regarding myspace.com. I thought I cleared that one up?

For the record, again (lol) I DO have a myspace acct that is set to PRIVATE and it is only for my friends that I actually KNOW & spend time with. I am aware that there are many myspace sites who are posers saying they are me, but they aren't, I do not reply to fans on myspace. So if you are a fan & I replied to you--- that was NOT ME! A poser replied to you, as me. There is even a myspace poser that has a very similar name as mine, to her/his site, they say they are me and they post comments on various other myspace sites , acting like they are me. There is nothing I can do about all the posers. But just so everyone knows again---
I do not replay to fans, and that includes people who write songs for me on mysace too. I appreciate these fans who write songs and poems and have fansites for me on myspace, and even the posers in their own way, they are my fans and wanna be like me I guess, (?) I just don't like them pretending to actually be me. I'm really just simply a person too. We all are, and we're all unique in our own ways, people should be themselves.

Lastly, I do not:
I do not send 'secret' messages to anyone thru my blog, email, or myspace accounts. My blog is a blog, I try to write when I can, and when I might have something somewhat interesting to say.

I do not check my blog all the time, but I will try to do so more often. I appreciate that there are fans of mine out there who wish to communicate with me, and right now, this blog is the best way to do it.

I do not plan on having any type of video conference (though it's a terrific idea and I know others who do video),

I do not plan to ever call any fans on the phone or to email them thru their personal email accts- I will try to answer questions thru this blog, questions that are reasonable and not too personal,

I will not & do not want to meet anyone from this blog in person, I do meet fans when I'm out sometimes, and they are always very nice, I am sure many people on this blog, are also very nice, I also think they are smart enough to know it is never a smart idea to meet anyone from the internet- I have a lot of fans who are kids, and I HOPE they would never agree to meet anyone in person, that they have chatted with online--that is NEVER SAFE--so please don't do it.
***Always tell your parents if anyone tries to set up a meeting with you!! Alot of time freaks/predators pretend to be kids, and they aren't. So just be aware. It is for my safety and yours that I do not meet people from the internet. This way, you know if someone posing as me says they will meet you- you KNOW IT ISN"T ME! Again, Be Safe!

Stay safe!

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Just got home from Vacation!!

Hey People!
How are all of you?
Thanks for continuing to send comments to my blog, I appreciate all the great feedback! I apologize I haven't been writing lately, but there hasn't been much to chat about, I have mostly been busy with school. But --I'm almost done!
I need to find the time to go thru the comments and answer them again, like I did that last time, everyone seemed to like that.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter or Passover celebration, whichever they do... I celebrate Easter, and had a very nice day with my family.

Ok, so I just got back from a roadtrip! I love roadtrips!! I like being able to stop whenever I want, and check things out along the way to wherever I'm going.
I was in New Mexico for this one! Had a great time! Did Carlsbad Caverns, White Sands, Roswell, and a bunch of other stuff along the way. Too much fun! bbq's, swimming, hiking. fun fun!

Guess everyone heard BL will be coming back for Season 2! That's great news!! I really enjoyed filming the first season and can't wait to get back at it. What does everyone think of my character Rhonda on BL? haha She is just a little "creepy" huh? That's the word I hear most to describe her, I also hear: innocent, beautiful (gee, thanks for that!), scared, hateful, abused,villain, enjoying her power, manipulative, great voice, sweet, sad..... I also read that viewers think Rhonda is a bit like Nikki's character, who is played by Chloe- Nikki is my 'husband' Roman's dtr. So maybe we knew each other at the Compound? I don't even know if Rhonda and Nikki knew each other, maybe Nikki babysat Rhonda when she was a baby lol, there is alot about my character I don't know. Which is why I can't wait for Season 2!! The writers are terrific and we all can't wait to see where they take our characters. It was a surprise for me to watch BL on HBO on Demand when I got home, I had forgotten I was in episode 7's "Eviction"! I really enjoyed filming that scene with Grace (she plays Lois), I think she is a really good actress. She's a sweet person to talk with. As for episodes 11 & 12, wow, I enjoyed filming them because Rhonda was developed a bit more in them. I wouldn't say the episodes are about Rhonda, but Rhonda is seen more in them, than other episodes she appeared in. It's tough, because with a show that has so many characters, they really have to focus on the main characters which everyone knows is Bill & his 3 wives, followed very closely by Roman- who is the villain so far. Then they try to develop other characters that appear in the show, Bill's brother, his kids, his parents, co-workers, and on Roman's side, his son Alby, his wife Adaleen, & my character Rhonda. It takes time, hard to get so much in a 1 hour show, and still keep viewers following along & happy. I'm excited about Rhonda, and I'm excited about all the characters, so happy there will be a Season 2!! I'm so glad HBO is giving a thumbs up, and so glad so many of you watch the show and enjoy it!!!!!

Can't wait to see what happens!! How about you guys? Let me know what you think of Big Love so far!! There is a lot of great feedback on HBO's Official BL Site- they have a Community Board, and lots of people are there discussing the show and the characters and plots.... I've peeked at it a few times, I admit it. It's fun to read what they write about Rhonda, not to much really, but still interesting.

Gotta get back to Algebra 2!
