this comment made me grin ;)~
i will write here soon, about august and emmy week fun, but going thru comments, found this one, which made me laugh, laughter being a positive thing, *but i should add, that i would suggest to this person not to flatter themselves, that my previous post was not intended solely for them, especially since i have no idea who they are or what they said....ok, so i thought i would share this comment with the "6 fans" i have :) lol enjoy.
Hey snob, i must say im so flatterd that you actually took an hour out of your life & wrote over a 9 paragraph thing just to 'try' and prove me wrong, it really didint change anyones opinion on what i said except that it made you seem more consious about your reputation and trying to keep your fans(which you have like 6 right?)
well your career must be so hopping since evertime i tried to explain to my friends how you oh so pathetically wasted your life writing such a long thing, they had no complete clue who the hell you where except that you played a dead chick in a movie.
K thanx go play in traffic, and next time dont shit on your fans :]
i will write here soon, about august and emmy week fun, but going thru comments, found this one, which made me laugh, laughter being a positive thing, *but i should add, that i would suggest to this person not to flatter themselves, that my previous post was not intended solely for them, especially since i have no idea who they are or what they said....ok, so i thought i would share this comment with the "6 fans" i have :) lol enjoy.
Hey snob, i must say im so flatterd that you actually took an hour out of your life & wrote over a 9 paragraph thing just to 'try' and prove me wrong, it really didint change anyones opinion on what i said except that it made you seem more consious about your reputation and trying to keep your fans(which you have like 6 right?)
well your career must be so hopping since evertime i tried to explain to my friends how you oh so pathetically wasted your life writing such a long thing, they had no complete clue who the hell you where except that you played a dead chick in a movie.
K thanx go play in traffic, and next time dont shit on your fans :]
At 8/30/2006 12:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
hehe. I laughed too! I felt so bad. hehe. Yeah, but they are a jerk. And, as much as i would LOOOOVE an autograph from you, i would never say something so rude and mean. Its just annoyying, and selfish and quite.... uh... gross. hehe. You have much more then 6 fans. :) I think... hehe. Yeah, im pretty sure. hehe. If not... im all u need anyways. hehe. JKin. :) Keep up the great work Daveigh. Stay Strong. I wrote you a poem about those people. hehe. i hope u laugh. hehahehahehea (my evil laugh)
Why oh why must they cry.
Get over youself.
Its okay... to admit when you need help.
Now... i know its hard being selfish and needy
And i so do wish i could be so greedy!
Give me some lessons, oh please.
It would give some joy to make me fall on my knees.
AUTOGRPAH AHHH!!!! Sign my name!
You know this does not sound LAAAAAME.
Fine, if you dont give me one, ill just talk bad.
And i hope that i can make you sad.
What is this... laughing at my serious post.
This is like giving me... some.... really.... uh.... bad toast!!
So anyways... i have one thing to say.
I just wanted an autograph for Ebay.
hehe... okay... its a little dumb, but i wrote it like in 5 mins. hehe
At 8/30/2006 2:58 AM,
kayla said…
hey daveigh
that comment is just so mean & good thing you're not affected (very professional).. i think i already encountered her in one the boards about you.. i think that comment was similar to the one she replied to us(your fans who are proctecting you).. she should really get a life.. right? lol anyways i can't wait for your next post.. later
At 8/30/2006 3:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
Yeah right. Six fans. That's just hysterical.
I'm glad you don't take these things the wrong way.
You're good about it.
At 8/30/2006 7:58 AM,
dave said…
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
At 8/30/2006 8:05 AM,
dave said…
i kinda regret the last message,
i dont want to bother you with the hate i have for the ppl who say negative things about you.
i'm sorry for bothering you with it.
but it proofs i'll always stand up for you=)=)=)
At 8/30/2006 2:14 PM,
-Luiz Paulo- said…
Hi again daveigh....
Do you remember-me???
I representing your fan club here in brazil,and.... we everyimes watches your Tv programs and your movies.. especially The ring, teh best movie of the world...
Oliver beene is too cool...
Bye daveigh...good luck
At 8/30/2006 2:16 PM,
-Luiz Paulo- said…
Hi again...
I talk in portuguese now...
Olá daveigh, sou o Luiz Paulo im do brazil e adoro todosos seus trabalho na tv e seus filmes....
Passei pra te desejar boa sorte na sua carreia...Bye...Beijos....
At 8/30/2006 2:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Daveigh,
Lol at the person who posted that. I am sure u don't have only six fans (as I am a fan of yours). Anyway, do u have n e songs that r in ringtones? Also, hopefully emmy and week is fun!
At 8/30/2006 6:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Daveigh, remember never to listen to people who leave comments like that! You are an incredible actress who appears to be very down to earth and kind I'm sure. Remember that you have many dedicated fans, even if arrogant people (like the one in your post)tell you otherwise. Keep doing your thing and making wicked awesome movies. Peace and Love.
At 8/31/2006 4:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm don't know who is this one that boring you.
but I hope you never be sad about me, coz I love you so much!
P.s.: Please, say some thing I kown you read my comments, please please, please!! =)
God Bless you and your live!!!
At 8/31/2006 4:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
i'm so fool!!!!!!
you added me in your link's page and I was boring you day after day!!!
sorry!!! sorry!!!
I recieved an email from Mariel and she told me that,
I'm the most happy person of world!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanx daveigh!!! you are great!!!
thanx!! I love you so much!!! =)
I don't have word to say what I'm feeling now!!
At 8/31/2006 6:08 AM,
dave said…
i've seen some new pictures of you at some events on wireimage,and wow,there's been taken a lot of pics of you,
did'nt your eyes hurt after all those flashes of the cams?=)
At 8/31/2006 8:08 AM,
Anonymous said…
A- Dude!. We just ran into the weblog of the girl that played Joyce in that "oliver" thing...
B- Sweet... should we post something ?
A- yeah! but what ?
B- This recent conversation !!!
At 8/31/2006 3:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
me and all my friends love you, we think you are GREAT!
rock on
xx alice
At 9/01/2006 4:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
would love to hear about the emmy experience=) with that gorgeous gold dress who wouldn't be having fun?
Your hair looked awesome too, do you do it yourself? You looked really old ( I mean this in a good way ) haha not like 80 or anything, but like, 18. Oh whatever you know what I mean!
At 9/04/2006 6:39 AM,
dave said…
hi daveigh
i've noticed something in the game 'silent hill:the room'
and i just have to tell you,
if you zoom out on the character,
he looks just like taylor emerson.
i have a pic of taylor where he weares the same shirt as the dude in the game,
so it looks like you're fighting ''scary''creatures with taylor
funny,dont you think?
At 9/05/2006 2:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello Daveigh,
Did you go the MTV Video Music Awards? If so, how was it? I forgot to watch it the first night so I'm trying to see if there are any reruns of it (darn freshmen homework!! lol). Anyway, keep up the good acting/singing!
At 9/06/2006 4:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
Just to say HELLO!!! =)
you're the great one!!!! =)
have a nice week!
god bless you!!
At 9/10/2006 6:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
That was so mean of them.You have more than 6 fans but not every person comes onto blogs like this or aren't aloud to post a messege.I'm a fan of yours i love all of your work and have seen practically all of your stuff.
At 9/10/2006 9:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Daveigh! Did you aleardy heard of me on other website? My name is Sunwoo and I'm a HUGE fan of you! I'd like to watch many of your films but I can't because I live in France. I'd like know the resume of all your films! You are sooo beautiful and a amazing actress
I made a website (fanlisting) for you : the URL is
I know you are so busy but if I have your answer, I'll be VERY VERY PROUD!!
xoxo Sunwoo
At 9/11/2006 3:55 PM,
Anonymous said…
#1; Your teen vogue has hit homes but not stores, but my loving and willing friend Katie has agreed to let me borrow hers for scans and i will make sure to send you the link so you can see and post if you wish =)
#2; I KNOW you hate nicknames, but wouldn't it be cool to be called Dav is in DOVE?? I think that's the cutest thing I've ever heard. But, you know, gotta respect the no-nick rule.
#3; Numbering keeps us all organized.
#4; love the dress
did you get to keep it?
#4; were you invited to the young hollywood release party? Jw.
love ya,
At 9/12/2006 5:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey daveigh i saw your pic in teen vouge and guess what we look exactly alike!!! ur totally pretty!!! glad you like LA!!!
~Miley H
by the way i am making a website about you ill post the url when im done!
At 9/12/2006 6:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey daveigh the url for my web page is listed under my sis's name here it is~
me and my sister made it we hope you like it
At 9/12/2006 6:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey chicky,
saw the teen vogue article today, you look so amazing! (of course) I love how they put you all in black tights and messy buns. That is such a teen vogue thing. I am DYING over here in New England because it's starting to get cold and I can't stand that. I am begging you, if you have a chance to possibly in any possible stretch of madness possible way come to Chiller, even if it's next year, I'll wait. Please go because if you don't, I'll never meet you and more importantly, you'll never meet ME and we all know I'm the most awesome person on the planet.... oh right that's you. LOL daveigh you rock.
what I am about to say is VITAL.
I sent you a letter to the HBO Entertainment address in JUNE. I will send it again if I have to but let me know first so that I know you'll be looking out for it. I am seriously dying, as I said, I am completely cut off!!! Totally sucks! You can't come to Chiller, I can't go to Cali this October, and we all lose. Ain't that sad. But you know you will still be awesome even if I never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ok I am being a teensy bit dramatic, get to see you. But I'll find a way. I'm not going to give up hope.
<3 xoxoxo!!!! KEEP ON ROCKIN'!!!
At 9/13/2006 6:57 AM,
dave said…
hi daveigh,
i now understand why that comment made you grin,
..i still feel bad about my first comment on this post...i'm sorry about that.
i sometimes tell what comes up to my mind first...and sometimes i make mistakes by telling them to a wonderfull person who should'nt be bothered with that kinda
i hope you understand i've sayd those things 'cos i dont like it when people talk bad about you.
as i've sayd before:i'll always stand up for you,that person called you names,so i've stand up for you.
and i still dont understand why some people dislike you,but bet they do that becouse they're jealous 'cos you have what they want.
about the arctic monkeys,
when i've readed you like their music i've checked it out and i've gotta say...they're awesome.
my fav. song of them is
fake tales of san francisco.
those guy are very cool....
they look like they're 16 years old...are they?
rock on!
At 9/13/2006 9:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oooo that's very rude! Hey, Daveigh I'm from Germany! Yah, so you say, you've got fans all over the world! I also really like Emma Watson and Rachel Hurd-Wood, who, in fact plays "a dead chick" as well (In "The Pafume", but not until the end^^)
At 9/13/2006 1:26 PM,
Amii Smale said…
Hey daveigh ma names Amy Smale and i live in england. I jus wanted 2 say dat dis person who says dat u av lk six fans is obviously just jelous of u. I no how 2 handle dese ppl 2 coz loadsa ppl r jelous of me 2! lol I'm glad dis comment made u grin coz it did me 2. Oh and by da way da bitch who wrote dis (i mean itz gotta b a girl coz its so obviously fueled by jelousy coz itz sooooo bitchy!) leave my daveigh alone and wot r u tlkin bout "6" fans? i mk it at least "7"!!!! lol luvz ya daveigh! x~Amy~x
At 9/13/2006 1:28 PM,
Amii Smale said…
u rok daveigh!
At 9/14/2006 2:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
You're super cute.
At 9/14/2006 3:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Daveigh,
So I was looking at my myspace today and I saw a lot of Daveigh's. Did you get your myspace back or you're not getting a myspace at all? Because the people there kind of confused me so I thought I'd ask you first. Um...I kno this is like my third post here but still, if you get this, let me just say you're totally awesome! Keep up the great work!
An awesome actress and singer always Daveigh!
P.S. Can I put my myspace link as my web page? Just wondering...
At 9/16/2006 10:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Daveigh i love you so so much...
I love Samara
I love Joyce
I love Rhonda
I love you forever
I'm from Brazil
add me please.
kisses bye.
At 9/17/2006 1:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
Daveigh i love you so much!
At 9/17/2006 6:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
haven't talk to you in FUR-EVERRRRR!!
what's up in CA?
I am soososoosososososososososoooo excited because i'm starting tap and piano at a local theater where I went to performing arts camp (dance, acting, singing, art, ETC) and I loved it so much. I made TONS of friends! This one girl named Hannah was so sweet, we are really close now!
How was your summer???
At 9/20/2006 7:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
Here's the Teen voge scan:
enjoy =) it would be awesome to put on your pics page!
At 9/21/2006 2:01 AM,
kayla said…
i just saw your pictures in teen vogue.. wow you look soooo preety! and i really mean it! and also danielle and you kinda looks alike..
At 9/22/2006 11:28 PM,
kayla said…
hey so how was the teen vogue party?
At 9/23/2006 4:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
I miss you!!! =(
where are you?
god bless you!!
At 9/23/2006 8:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Daveigh,
Wow you have so many comments!I just listened to your song "Fallin" again and I just wanted to say great job on the song. It's amazing. Will you have a CD out by any chance?
At 9/23/2006 8:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Btw, you're super cute! Just liked to add a comment about how you look!
At 9/23/2006 8:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
Ok, I know this is like my third comment in a row...but I just need to ask: Do you like the band Sixpence None the Richer, the band who sand the song, "Kiss Me"? Just asking.
Again this is:
Larry :)
At 9/25/2006 2:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
I have a dream...
you are my dream!
I can wait for eternity, but my hopeness never fade away!!!
God Bless you!
At 9/26/2006 5:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Daveigh,can you believe that September is almost over and it will be October soon? well I'm looking forward to October because I'm going to homecoming with a girl that I have had a crush on forever and my Birthday is October 22nd. I will be 17. Man the years have realy flown by.
God bless you,Chase
At 9/27/2006 12:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey <3's your teen vogue shoot! it was a v nice photo! can't wait to see 'big love' i'm not sure if it's on here in england though? anywho bye xxxxxx love Polly xx
At 9/30/2006 5:16 AM,
dave said…
daveigh,you just got to hear the song on this page
it's great!
i've heard it 2 days ago and since i've been playing that song.
you'll probably like it too.
rock on!
At 9/30/2006 10:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Daveigh ,
I'm just wondering, are you a millionaire yet? I looked at your body of work and it seems like you must have made a lot of Money and are either soon ( or 'Soon' ) going to be majorly successful in film and pop music franchises to the point where you'll rightfully be able to demand millions and millions . I guess what I'm really curious about is some insight into what it's like in the budding stages right now, the gratification of so much luxury. Are you getting accustomed to it ? What's it like to know in a couple of years or sooner youll be able to buy any mansion you want and go anywhere in the world in vip scales, private jets, your own island, let alone the admiration of the entire free world??
At 10/06/2006 1:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Daveigh,
Just saying hi. My homecoming is coming up soon, can't wait. So is there anything special you are doing, like parties, photo shoots, etc.?
Well have fun and keep up the great acting :)!
At 10/07/2006 10:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
hey hey hey hey hey!
Hows it going? I hope well. What have you been up to? Not much here, i started school. EWWWW. I hate math! Thats the only thing i realy HATE about school. Besides homework of course. I have the bestest teachers, but the classes they teach are soooo annoying. I hope school is going better for you. I have been sick lately, so ive missed a lot of homework to catch up on. ewwwness. Send me your prayers.... please. :)
At 10/07/2006 6:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
My Angel!!!!!!!!!
Don't let us alone!!!
I think you are very busy!
but is the life!!!
Have a nice weekend!
God bless us!!!!
At 10/11/2006 10:24 AM,
dave said…
hi daveigh,
have you heard the new song of stone sour?it's called through glass.
it's awesome!=)
i've readed your post again and i got to say,
i just LOVE the way how you make fun of the ppl who talk negative about you,i love everything about you.
it would be an honor to meet you
i hope i will soon(i've dreamed about it alot of times).
you really have the most beautyfull eyes
shall we switch eyes?
you're perfect,
ppl say'no one's perfect'
but they probably dont know of your existance
you're the best and will always be #1.
i love you,
rock on!
At 10/12/2006 11:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey you haven't posted for a while? Hope to see another update soon. Anyway you have an agency now right? I saw it posted. So can we send letters there to get autographs?
(PS to Stephanie most young actors send real autographs for free)
At 10/14/2006 5:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
heyy Daveigh! I just saw this recent entry. That person was really rude. I'm glad to know that you weren't bothered by it. Keep up the good work! :-)
At 10/16/2006 5:02 AM,
kayla said…
hey daveigh...
wow you still haven't updated.. well maybe your just busy but i hope you would update soon :D how's the shooting for the season two of biglove? goodluck!
At 10/30/2006 10:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey there!
I wanted to say that the person who left that comment was a freaking idiot. I mean, there are two points to be made here:
1. Even IF the only MAJOR thing you had ever done with your career WAS to play Samara Morgan, I'd say that you did a good enough job scaring the living hell out of myself and my friends (and of course making us cower in fear a week later) that this could be considered QUITE an achievement for a single person's lifetime.
2. That ISN'T the only thing you've done. You're only fifteen, but you already have this amazing singing voice that most people would truly envy. Also, you did the voice acting on Spirited Away--I LOVEEEEEEEEEE that movie, oh my God! You have a very, very promising career ahead of you. People like that douchebag who made that stupid comment, well, THEY are the ones who need to go play in traffic! Seriously!
At 11/02/2006 9:19 AM,
Zipdot said…
Great blog. You're absolutely stunning. Check out my blog at and also
At 11/13/2006 12:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey daveigh you rock =)
Update soon please dahling=) lol.
At 11/14/2006 2:39 PM,
Stitch fan_82 said…
Hi I found this discussion and thought it would interest you sense you seem have strong feelings for Lilo & Stitch
Is this guy nuts?
I do not Know.
Many of you feel that it is impossible for anyone to create Stitch
> or any of his cousins, this saddens me quite a bit, for it shows
> that almost all of you do not have any imagination.
> The reality is and this will be quite a shocker to everyone is
> not only is the creation of such a being 100% possible, this
> includes all of his powers and all four retactable arms, spines,
> antennae, but it will be done in our lifetimes my guess is in the
> next twenty years Stitch will exist in reality. This is not a
> this is a completly realistic scientificly proved operation. two
> people i know very, very well will be obtaing their doctorates in
> molecular genetics in about 9 years from then it is only a matter
> how long it will take to find the correct genetic material and to
> cultivate it into the nesscessary forms needed, their future
> home/lab will be in Kaui not only because that is where Stitch
> in the cartoon but because the atomsphere is extremly gentle and
> since the body structure of said creature would be in reality too
> molecularly dense for it to swim disposal of rejects is quite
> and it stops them from harming too many people if it becomes evil.
> If anyone would like anymore information, including the names of
> these two scientists reply to this email and i will give you all
> info i can get.
> Last but not least this is not a joke this is not the product of
> insane person this is the truth and i felt that you would like to
know it.
This sounds more like a philosophical discussion than an actual
discussion of the films. The idea of creating a person by design
goes back in history all the way to the Ancient Greeks, and Galatea,
or more famously, in Mary Shelley's classic Frankenstein. In recent
decades we've seen genetic cloning and even genetic design of
animals and even crops.
It's a hard thing to consider...creating something by pure design
rather than by the randomness of the universe. The potential for
mistakes and mishap is considerable. Can it happen? Possibly, in the
distant future. Will it happen? Who knows precisely, but it brings
up a lot of ethical questions that go back to when the first sheep
was cloned in England.
actually it is not philosophical although if anyone has any philosophical questions they would like to discuss i'm all ears, also funny that you should mention frankenstein, it's one of my favorite books although most moives don't do it justice, the book you see isn't about a monster it's about man playing god, that is not what is happening here this is real, and actually a lot easier than you would think cause the answer to how is right under our noses it has always been there, some feel in fact that god put it there for us to use it, what am i talking about you are asking, simple it is none other than Deoxyribonucleic acid more common;y known as DNA
yes ehtics were a huge part of our discusions about whether or not we should do or even could do it, some of the things we discovered were quite intersting, like for morals those could be "downloaded" quite easily two of the biggest issues we faced were the how to give it a Soul and a Conscience if that is even possible
tell me more
okay but i am asking you to give me a topic because there is a lot of them and it is hard to narrow it down, but here are some choices, his mind, personality, security precautions, how i will make him invincible, how i will make give him the mind of his cartoon counterpart, the antennae, his ability to roll into a ball, his tongue, the claws, why he works best at normal size, etc. just pick one and ask me about it.
by the way would you like me to make you one of the experiments as i could do it?
Ok here are my questions.
His mind and personality? You can do that? I was going to suggest as a joke that you hunt down Chris Sanders and get a DNA sample from him to put in to the mix. But oh man. How can you give him the mind the cartoon. This all sounds to good to be true. Would I like one of the experiments? Heck, Ya I think I Would like a my own Stitch, but I bet he would be expensive and I am not putting down a deposit of any amount at this time.
Where are you studying for to be learning all this.
Ag I am talking like Jumba. But I mean what college.
And if I did have my own Stitch how do I keep him from destroying the house
the mind is very complex but i won't be needing Chris Sanders's DNA to make my Stitch, all i would need is a computer, some wires and a i guess you could call it a vat of liquid, where he would be immoble, blinded, and deafened, he would also have wires running into the sensory part of is brain, i would hook him up to a computer and run real life simulations that would cause his brain to react in different ways to make his personality the way i want it, this is basically how our own minds develop, by our experiences, his "life" will be no different it will seem to him to take years while it will only take minutes, he won't know the diffence between the computer world and our own, who could really if it was perfectly designed how could you tell it wasn't real, all of your senses tell you it is and how are you to argue it isn't when all evidence proves that it is? as for a price on stitch you can't put a price on life so while he isn't for sale i will be giving quite a few for the college UW-Madison and the medical college of Wisconsin, as for the destuction of your house do not worry he will be pacifist not wanting to harm even little fly, and even if he decides to his brain will be being attached with a device that will when needed stimulate the Hypothalamus to be releasing the hormone Dopamine, this tells the brain that somthing it did something good, if there is too much of this the brain collapses and only wants more, kind of like how a drug addict gets so addicted to something he can't stop and must use greater and greater doses to feel the same effects, so it should only be used in extreme conditions. gosh darn it i was talking like Jumba too wasn't i
for more info on the Hypothalamus go to this link
for more info on what Dopamine is go to this link
for more info on the brain being manipulated by a computer go to this link
At 1/30/2007 2:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Daveigh. For some reason my computer won't let me set up a blogger account. I still have a question though. I have a bet w/ my friend who thinks you wear a size 6 shoe, I say you're more like an 8. WHich one of us ir closer? Thanks and great job on 'Big Love'. Take care,
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