answers to various comments/questions
but first!!
BIG THANKS TO MARIEL, LOUISE & MARTHE!!!! a friend sent me link to Birthday video, and I gotta say---> i absolutely love it! you guys are the sweetest! Thanks so much for taking the time!! Thank you thank you!! xo daveigh
Teen Choice- No, I'm not planning on attending this year.... well, I could change my mind! Big Love will be my focus for August and I love to have my wkds all to myself when I'm working, to hang with friends and family, and it'll be hot then, so I plan to be at the beach surfing as much as I can! Also, the Emmy's are early this year- in August, so that will take up one whole wkd, how cool if Big Love was nominated for something?
Teen Vogue- Yes, I can't wait! At the shoot, when we had time to chat, I mostly visited with Danielle, and got to know Zoey too. It was a fun time.
MySpace- NO myspace for me..
All Comments posted by Anonymous- All the posts are screened before I see them, and I never see any that are posted by "Anonymous" posters. Please try to register with some type of name if you want your comment to be screened/read- and as long as it is a nice comment/post, I get to read it :)
Posers- People still leave comments to me, that I am not me, or that they are me, and now- haha I heard some posers are pretending to be my mom! Everyone got a good laugh about that! Of course, I don't see these posts, and they will never be posted, so perhaps- folks might find something better to do with their time? Like go pick up trash alongside the roads or on the beach!
Links- thanks for passing on new links and updates :) xo
Chiller- no plans to attend upcoming Chiller convention or any others, anytime soon. Sorry! They are alotta fun for sure, I enjoy getting to meet so many nice fans, at Chiller there is always a huge party, and I get to hang with fans and just be myself and have fun, everyone has a good time! and I get to know some of the other actors who attend, they are mostly older more well established actors, and it's always nice to meet them and hang out. Everyone is great!
**note~ someone asked if I charge for autographs? and the answer- drum roll please- is yes & no haha! At Chiller everyone has to charge for autographs, people that attend these events are aware of this fact, and do so willingly, (alot of autograph dealers also attend them- they plan on selling the various autographs they get to other people), but I do lotsa freebies there too, especially when I'm not at the "official" table lol And when I go to premieres and parties etc, I never charge for autographs from fans- how mean would that be? I always try to sign what I can, depending on time, and just recently at Entourage & Deadwood prem's- several guys came up with various dvd's for me to sign and I signed all of them. It's the least I can do for fans!
Music- I love Paris' new song! love the reggae vibe! I love indie-rock, I listen to alot of different music..
xo daveigh
BIG THANKS TO MARIEL, LOUISE & MARTHE!!!! a friend sent me link to Birthday video, and I gotta say---> i absolutely love it! you guys are the sweetest! Thanks so much for taking the time!! Thank you thank you!! xo daveigh
Teen Choice- No, I'm not planning on attending this year.... well, I could change my mind! Big Love will be my focus for August and I love to have my wkds all to myself when I'm working, to hang with friends and family, and it'll be hot then, so I plan to be at the beach surfing as much as I can! Also, the Emmy's are early this year- in August, so that will take up one whole wkd, how cool if Big Love was nominated for something?
Teen Vogue- Yes, I can't wait! At the shoot, when we had time to chat, I mostly visited with Danielle, and got to know Zoey too. It was a fun time.
MySpace- NO myspace for me..
All Comments posted by Anonymous- All the posts are screened before I see them, and I never see any that are posted by "Anonymous" posters. Please try to register with some type of name if you want your comment to be screened/read- and as long as it is a nice comment/post, I get to read it :)
Posers- People still leave comments to me, that I am not me, or that they are me, and now- haha I heard some posers are pretending to be my mom! Everyone got a good laugh about that! Of course, I don't see these posts, and they will never be posted, so perhaps- folks might find something better to do with their time? Like go pick up trash alongside the roads or on the beach!
Links- thanks for passing on new links and updates :) xo
Chiller- no plans to attend upcoming Chiller convention or any others, anytime soon. Sorry! They are alotta fun for sure, I enjoy getting to meet so many nice fans, at Chiller there is always a huge party, and I get to hang with fans and just be myself and have fun, everyone has a good time! and I get to know some of the other actors who attend, they are mostly older more well established actors, and it's always nice to meet them and hang out. Everyone is great!
**note~ someone asked if I charge for autographs? and the answer- drum roll please- is yes & no haha! At Chiller everyone has to charge for autographs, people that attend these events are aware of this fact, and do so willingly, (alot of autograph dealers also attend them- they plan on selling the various autographs they get to other people), but I do lotsa freebies there too, especially when I'm not at the "official" table lol And when I go to premieres and parties etc, I never charge for autographs from fans- how mean would that be? I always try to sign what I can, depending on time, and just recently at Entourage & Deadwood prem's- several guys came up with various dvd's for me to sign and I signed all of them. It's the least I can do for fans!
Music- I love Paris' new song! love the reggae vibe! I love indie-rock, I listen to alot of different music..
xo daveigh
At 7/06/2006 2:20 AM,
kayla said…
hi daveigh.. i also made a video about you like weeks ago... hope you like it too...Ü
At 7/06/2006 11:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Daveigh, my name is Tiago, i'm from Brazil. Yes, you have too many brazilians fans, so please, say HI to them...
I read your post about the comments saying that you are not you, this is really bad, but i think that is hard to believe, I would not believe if I had not seen the link on your official website.
Well, about the people pretendin' to be you or your mom, this kind of thing really makes me angry, i don't know what this kind of people has in mind.
I'd like to say more, but i'm not good with english (i hope you understand everything that i wrote)
Bye Bye!!! Thanks!!!
At 7/06/2006 6:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
you've said "I listen to alot of different music.." :D would you mind listen to the band "paramore" i think they're cool! let me know what do you think of them? hayley's hot! emo babe lol...
At 7/07/2006 4:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
I did a fansite to you
I hope you like! =)
this is the link:
if you enjoy it, please, post in your blog. If you enjoy it. =)
And I play in a heavy metal band
from Brazil.
Do you like Heavy Metal? =)
this's the link:
A big kiss!!!
your birth is coming soon, yeah!!!! =)
I like you so much much muchhhhhhh!!
At 7/07/2006 5:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi daveigh this is chris from
Kingston Ontario Canada I just
want you to Know that you have
Been my favorite actress for
the past three years. One thing
I want to ask you is when you
went to the 50 first dates
premeire did you ever meet Dan
Aykroyd who played the doctor
Because he's a local here and my
friend knows him very well.
At 7/08/2006 4:24 AM,
dave said…
hi daveigh
i've found a link with pictures of you,the visitors only have to type your name in the searchthing(i dont know the name)
mostly the link changes when you type a name in that searchthing so that if you copy the link that it starts at the page you want but it did'nt happen with this site(strange)
this is the link:
At 7/08/2006 2:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Daveigh, just saw The Rats on the TV the other day, and you were sooo cute there. How old were you while filming it? If I'm right, it was before The Ring, right?
Well anyway I didn't know you were in it, and it was such a nice surprise.
And you were acting beside another hottie and favourite of mine, Madchen Amick.
BTW. I hope there were no actual rats in the pool scene, where you're swiming and trying to escape them... it was really nail-biting scene, we were shouting C'mon, get out of the water! C'mon, faster! :-)
Well, I'll be off now, stay cool girl, you're fantastic.
At 7/08/2006 2:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Daveigh, just saw The Rats on the TV the other day, and you were sooo cute there. How old were you while filming it? If I'm right, it was before The Ring, right?
Well anyway I didn't know you were in it, and it was such a nice surprise.
And you were acting beside another hottie and favourite of mine, Madchen Amick.
BTW. I hope there were no actual rats in the pool scene, where you're swiming and trying to escape them... it was really nail-biting scene, we were shouting C'mon, get out of the water! C'mon, faster! :-)
Well, I'll be off now, stay cool girl, you're fantastic.
At 7/09/2006 12:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Webmaster,
I just thought I would let you know that I completely rewrote Daveigh's entry in Wikipedia.
Hope you like it and that its accurate
Take care
At 7/09/2006 2:32 AM,
kayla said…
hey daveigh.... another video of you for you made by me...Ü hope you can watch it...
here's the link:
At 7/09/2006 9:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Daveigh, did you see Pirates 2 yet? It totally ROCKED! I wanna go see it again! You're gonna love it! Keira is gorgeous and totally amazing! So are Johnny and Orlando, who are hot as usual!! Did you get to meet them last time? I know what you mean by Long, that red carpet was 2000 feet long!
At 7/11/2006 9:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
Well... just want to say that you are a greaaaaat actress :)
see ya _o/
At 7/11/2006 7:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Long time no talk! :)
Hows it going? Have you seen Pirates yet? Oh, i saw it on Thursday and fell in love! :) Mr. Depp (that is such an adorable name) is sooo fab. :) The kiss between him and Keira was very nice too... great part of the movie... lucky Keira, huh?
Any plans for your bday?
At 7/12/2006 4:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Daveigh!
I made this to you:
I really hope you like it!
At 7/12/2006 1:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Daveigh!!!I love Paris' New song too!!!!!!!!
At 7/12/2006 7:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Daveigh!! Meu nome é Patrick, sou seu fã, moro em Porto Alegre - Brasil, e adoro muito seu trabalho!
I love'u
At 7/13/2006 5:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
I feel awful because I yelled at one of my friends and even though I apologized I feel bad.
What would you do?
I saw the "Devil wears Prada" and that was very cool. The guy who plays Vince in Entourage (Sorry I forgot his name) is really hot! Lol. I liked it a lot, great message. Thanks for always being there for your fans. I really appreciate it.
Mariel :)
At 7/13/2006 5:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
Also, I have a very important question: How do you keep your skin so beautiful? I need help! I don't understand how you always look so glowing. What products specifically do you use?
Please respond!
At 7/13/2006 9:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
advance "Happy sweet 16th Birthday" daveigh..-=d(^.^)b=-
btw, you really looked so preettyyyy! on the vid i watched on youtube...:D
At 7/13/2006 9:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
advance "Happy sweet 16th Birthday" daveigh..-=d(^.^)b=-
btw, you really looked so preettyyyy! on the vid i watched on youtube...:D
At 7/14/2006 10:21 AM,
Anonymous said…
Are you going to the Emmy's? You do know Big Love was Nominated for Best Casting in a Drama Series! It's on NBC August 27th 06 at 8/7c! I am totally watching it! And Daveigh, I REALLY don't think it would take very long to set up a PO box and many fans would appreciate it so much. Please just do this for us.
At 7/15/2006 5:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
It's my birthday today! It's yours really soon~
At 7/15/2006 2:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hello Daveigh!
Just sayin' hi. Hope your summer so far is cool. Other than that, just want to say keep up the good work with your acting and singing.
At 7/16/2006 9:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
I am so sorry! I asked before about that whole guitar thing and didn't realize you had posted the story! That is the first time I have seen that post! Lol the guy who wanted you to pose with his friend. All I can say is -wow. He must have thought you were so much older! You are gorgeous, so I can see why. Your poor Mom! lol. It's so weird that I had just read these. Must have missed them...
Love ya,
At 7/17/2006 5:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Daveigh,
I just wanted to let you know that the Daveigh-Chase Yahoo Group has put together a birthday page for you! The page can be viewed starting July 24th at this web site:
And it's okay if you can't see it right away-- the page will stay open for one year after your 16th birthday!
Your fan,
(Daveigh-Chase Group Moderator)
At 7/19/2006 3:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
hey daveigh!
ohh awesome! I love all that music too and Paris' new song is fab!
xox alice
At 7/19/2006 4:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hiya again!
Just to say, I made you something for your birthday!
click here to see it
ps: the name of Samara Fan World has changed to
At 7/19/2006 8:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
I love the arctic monkeys!!!!!!!! They are so awesome! I noticed you liked them, so I checked them out, they are really cool. I LOVE that kind of indie-rock style as well. I'm a rocker girl =) Which reminds me of you, how's guitar going?
At 7/19/2006 1:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
I was just wondering, what WOULD it take for us to be friends. You just don't know HOW MUCH I admire you. I LOVE your acting, and I couldn't tell you just HOW MANY time I have played your music over and over. I have been studying acting, and am going to have a acting tape evaluated so I can start a career in acting. Why? Because of you. I am hoping if you don't want to meet me, or contact me or get to know me now, that maybe being an actor,you'll recognize me as being like you, and that someday I'll meet you at a premier, or some other event or, at a premier for a movie or show I'll be in. You are THE #1 reason for me pursuing an acting career. I hope you understand what I'm trying to say.
I have other friends, and they're great, but my mind keeps going back to you, and the AWESOME, mutually-uplifting friendship we could share. In other words, I wouldn't be fully satisfied with any other friend but you. I have had these thoughts ever since you first started your blog last September. And wer'e both Christians, we both LOVE reading, music, photography,the list goes on.
And also, your sense of humor REALLY reminds me of my older sister, who's since left home, and is getting married. You would help to fill that space she left.
Where else would you find someone with whom you have so much in common, who's Christian, and LOVES your work SO MUCH?
I'm not asking for you to meet me anywhere, I'm not asking you to give a substantial amount of your life to me, I'm just asking that we'd at least be penpals. And I swear (Now, I'm a Christian, and I hardly EVER swear, in a good sense I mean, and when I do, I take it VERY seriously), if you give me your email, or your adress, I won't give it to ANYONE else. If I do, don't post anymore of my comments, and just completely ignore me.
I don't mean to sound desperate, and I don't mean to make you feel guilty, I just REALLY want to be your friend, and I felt I just HAD to tell you how I feel. I thought it would have an impact on you. I COULDN'T keep it to mysef ANY LONGER.
I don't want to be your boyfriend, just your friend, or penpal.
Please don't just ignore me, becuause, if you do, and even if we NEVER meet, I will always be thinking about you, and the beutiful friendship we could have shared. And, once again, not to sound overdramatic, I will always be haunted by it.
Proverbs 17:17
"A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity."
Jonathan Bell
2265 Thiel road
North Collins
N.Y 14111-9702
At 8/04/2006 11:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hello, Daveigh. This is Jean-Michel Jarre fan writing. How are you? I pray that you're doing just fine. I just wanted to say that I hope your birthday was delightful and that you sing in such a beautiful way. Well, that's pretty much all I've got to say right now. Take care and Allmighty bless... =)
At 9/05/2006 1:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Daveigh you is the girl prettiest of the world… ours I never vi a so pretty person as you. Its face is perfect. .you is perfect… I finds that my dream is one day to take off a photo with you.
I am Brazilian, and my English is not very good rsrs. Daveigh please…
Returns this Message for me in this email
São Paulo Brazil
At 10/20/2006 7:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well... ya know me, it's Matheus again, i just wanted to know if The Ring 3 will release, please send the answer, (if you dont know, send too!!) to the email:
I <3 samara, and the ring too! YOU RULEZ DAVEIGH!!!
Errrm... i'll be going now xD
C ya!
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