update- mtv/deadwood
hey guys,
so i wrote that post down below- and it never got posted, but there it is now, and so i'm adding a new one too. just an update i guess.
well, i didn't go to mtv movie awards! my mom wasn't feeling well and i wanted to stay home with her, and besides hanging out with friends at the event, as far as performances go-- it really it is much better to see on tv! also i still have so much schoolwork to get done, i don't want to be doing summerschool! what a drag. i will be doing honors chemistry over the summer but i'm actually looking forward to that. then i start my last year of highschool in septemember! woohoo! i did go to hbo's premiere for deadwood also this week! had a great time! my fave character i have to say is cowgirl Jane, at first you think she's a guy but realize she is a gal who rode w/ custer,and her character is very well written and well acted out too :)
i also met up w/ some folks from big love- that was so fun to see them and visit! chatted about BL season 2 and i'm even more excited than before! and once again, i was getting all kinds of great feedback in regard to my character rhonda from big love. it really makes me feel good about what i'm doing as an actress, and the direction i'm going in, when other amazing actors, directors, writers, producers- people who i would aspire to be like, come up and tell me they love my work. that's a good feeling for sure. and again, all the fans! that's huge. i am so glad people are liking big love! after i left this premiere, there were a bunch of ppl wanting autographs from the different celebs at the party and i signed several autographs for people, i really don't mind doing it, it's fun to meet fans like that. haha a couple of the guys and 1 paparazzi guy made the comment- wow! daveigh at 2 events in 1 wk!- lol it was kinda funny, i was laughing, the deadwood premiere was a great time.
what are you guys doing for the wkd? i'm heading to the beach to cool off- maybe get in a little surfing. that's about it!
so i wrote that post down below- and it never got posted, but there it is now, and so i'm adding a new one too. just an update i guess.
well, i didn't go to mtv movie awards! my mom wasn't feeling well and i wanted to stay home with her, and besides hanging out with friends at the event, as far as performances go-- it really it is much better to see on tv! also i still have so much schoolwork to get done, i don't want to be doing summerschool! what a drag. i will be doing honors chemistry over the summer but i'm actually looking forward to that. then i start my last year of highschool in septemember! woohoo! i did go to hbo's premiere for deadwood also this week! had a great time! my fave character i have to say is cowgirl Jane, at first you think she's a guy but realize she is a gal who rode w/ custer,and her character is very well written and well acted out too :)
i also met up w/ some folks from big love- that was so fun to see them and visit! chatted about BL season 2 and i'm even more excited than before! and once again, i was getting all kinds of great feedback in regard to my character rhonda from big love. it really makes me feel good about what i'm doing as an actress, and the direction i'm going in, when other amazing actors, directors, writers, producers- people who i would aspire to be like, come up and tell me they love my work. that's a good feeling for sure. and again, all the fans! that's huge. i am so glad people are liking big love! after i left this premiere, there were a bunch of ppl wanting autographs from the different celebs at the party and i signed several autographs for people, i really don't mind doing it, it's fun to meet fans like that. haha a couple of the guys and 1 paparazzi guy made the comment- wow! daveigh at 2 events in 1 wk!- lol it was kinda funny, i was laughing, the deadwood premiere was a great time.
what are you guys doing for the wkd? i'm heading to the beach to cool off- maybe get in a little surfing. that's about it!
At 6/08/2006 3:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
So great to hear from you again! Maybe I'll try dropping you a line through HBO. But I'll wait patiently until your address is set up:)
I guess it's sort of funny how it's a chain, i aspire to be like you and you aspire to be like other actresses and producers. I like that about you, that's there's always somewhere to go from here.
Have fun filming Season 2 whenever that begins! So glad to hear you met some Entourage hotties! Good times, lol.
I have a ballet recital this weekend, have you ever danced before? I have done ballet and tap since I learned how to walk! I love it, it's a lot of hard work but It pays off. I can't wait to hear about how your weekend went!
At 6/08/2006 7:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
You're a Junior this year Daveigh? it seems like yesterday you were only 12 in the ring. lol
Anyways have a great night!
At 6/09/2006 5:11 AM,
dave said…
not summerschool!
i dont want you to go through a torment,knowing that my idol will go through a torment like summerschool makes me sad=_(.
i hope,wish and pray that the summerschooltorment will be over for you soon,
i feel really bad for you that you have to go there=(
but look it on the bright side,
as the days pass,the end of summerschool is getting closer.
for this week me and the band,are going to record a song,
mostly we make metal,kinda like 'drowning pool'.but this time we'll do one led zeppelin style for a change,and...
i'm going to record a song with the singer of one of my favourite bands:stone in egypt!
he heard me sing and he asked if i wanted to record a song with him,
dreams can come true.=)
i'm very happy right now,
i hope your weekend will be very cool too,
but i bet it will,
you're going to surf,is'nt that difficult?
i've met some people who surf and they sayd it's very difficult,
that proofs:you're the only one who can succeed in everything,no harm feelings to all the other people,but it's true,you can.
At 6/09/2006 5:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
I just started watching Big Love today (my DVR has just been restored) and am a big fan of the show. You're awesome in it! I also really enjoy Lilo and Stitch and Spirited Away. Keep up the awesome work- you rock!
~ Kim, Ohio
At 6/09/2006 6:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
YAY! I was happy to see that you updated again. whooo hoooo! :) I hope you have great fun at the beach!! I went to the beach last week and had so much fun. Of course, there was drama too, my friends went... that is like drama waiting to happen. Oh, how i love the life of a teenager. :)
I am probably going to have a movie night with some of my girl friends this weekend. . I see SO many movies and so there is always so many i tell my friends about.
So, i heard that your bday is coming up. Its going to be your 16th one, right? Thats awesome! I hope that you have a fabulous time. My 16th bday is in August. Do you have any plans on what you are going to do, i have no idea what i am doing. Well, ill talk to you later!
Kisses Always
At 6/10/2006 9:01 AM,
Anonymous said…
i really don't have much to say...
you really are so so so so so
At 6/10/2006 9:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
Good to hear you had a great time at Entourage and Deadwood! Lol that must have been awesome meeting the hotties from Entourage. It's so great that you got to talk to people about Rhonda, I give her a thumbs-up, she is a great character and has a certain air about her although she seems very innocent to the situation that she's in. It's really well written. Big Love seems like it's very fun to film, especially with the new directors in there. How was surfing? I'm so jealous that you got time away to go to the beach! I'm really busy this weekend, I've got a ballet/tap recital and I want to go to the mall!!! I love the mall, it's kind of like a splurge of mine because I really shouldn't spend as much as I do, but hey, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! Lol I really haven't been having any fun lately, cramming for end of school testing and homework. I'm actually mostly caught up now. I hope you don't have to do summer school that would totally stink:( Have fun this weekend though, go get some Starbucks black Iced Tea!
At 6/10/2006 2:21 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Daveigh ! I'm one of your biggest fan! I've saw all of your movies! My dream is to met you ! Please, come to Montreal ! I really wanna see you even if it was for 1 second! Please, please,please !!!!
PS: I'll start a gallery picture about you really soon ! :)
At 6/11/2006 6:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey I really love this picture of you: http://www.ivana-baquero.e-fans.net/daveigh/displayimage.php?album=91&pos=16 you look so beautiful! Is it a headshoot or is it from a photoshoot or something? If so, which one? Have you got any more images from the same event?
At 6/11/2006 1:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Daveigh! Shame about the MTV Awards, that would have been fun. But I think it's really nice that you decided to stay home with your mom.
I just found out that Big Love is airng here tomorrow in the UK! Two episodes! I'm so excited to see you as Rhonda! And I hope you have fun filming the second series.
Oh, and about your links page... can you change my link Innocence (http://fansites.hollywood.com/~daveighchase/home.htm) to Dazzling Beauty (http://fansites.hollywood.com/~daveighchase). The other url you have on there doesn't work. Thanks!
I hope you have an awesome time at the beach. You totally deserve it! All I did at the weekend was go to the beach (same as you...lol).
At 6/11/2006 5:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey Daveigh just a quick question are you going to do anymore BK commercials? Oh and I hope tht ur mom feels better it was so nice of you to stay home with her and take care of her. and good luck with honors chemistry!!
At 6/12/2006 8:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
hi Daveigh!
Tell something 'bout
I'm waiting any kind of answer!
God Bless you!
At 6/12/2006 8:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
I just read your last update and “that post down below”.
I´m sorry about your sandal.
See you next week. And keep posting!
At 6/13/2006 8:28 AM,
dave said…
what's up?
it's to bad you could'nt go to the movie awards
i'm happy for you that your school is over in september,
mine's over in 2 weeks(finally after 17 long years of school and it's torments),
i wish i could graduade from school when i was 16,(you're done with school when you're 16,am i right?)
is deadwood a serie or a movie?i've never heard of it...until a few days ago.
i've seen fire down below from steven seagal 1 week ago,
that guy can break bodies like they're twigs,
who's your favourite male actor?
rock on!
At 6/13/2006 8:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Loved the LaROK dress you wore to the Deadwood premiere, it was gorgeous! You have amazing style.
At 6/14/2006 4:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Daveigh,
Almost done with high school, huh? Exciting I bet...for me, I'm just starting high school. Anyway, did you have a favorite part in the MTV movie awards, I liked The Da Vinci Code parody. It was hilarious! Have a great summer.
Your fan,
At 6/16/2006 9:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Daveigh,just thought I'd leave a comment and let you know what I've been up to.I stayed the night at my friend Thomas's.His cat had kittens.I haven't talked to my friend Curtis in a while.My mom and Dad Just got back from Vacation a few days ago.They were in Wisconsin and my brother,my sister,and I stayed at our grandparents house.oh and I heard they're Making a ring 3. Its going to tell the origin of Samara so it should be good.
At 6/17/2006 6:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oooh the Enjoy the Silence Remix by Depeche Mode rocks- you should check it out!
At 6/18/2006 8:29 AM,
dave said…
hi daveigh
what's up?
do you know if big love is availuable on dvd soon?
i really want to see it,but it's not on tv in the netherlands,=(
so if it's availuable on dvd,i gonna buy it for sure.
i hope you're going to record a song soon.
you rule!
At 6/23/2006 7:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wish I got HBO :( :( :( Someday I'll see Big Love.:(
Surfing?! Sa-Weet! I've wanted to surf for the longest time. Just havn't found the time to learn...ANYWAY, yada yada (sorry :))
Just wondering,just out of curiosity,(just to learn more about you) exactly what city do you live in, and what acting class did you take before launching your career?
Man it's just SO incredible how young you were when you started, your'e SO amazing. I hope I'm not just droning on and annoying you.
But of course, you like hearing how much people love your work.:)
And I don't know just how many times I've played your song Fallin' over and over:). You are THE COOLEST actress and singer. :)
Oh, and by the way, I hope this isn't a stupid question, but do you still have ANY interest AT ALL in classical guitar? Just wondering. No, I'm not going to barrage you with annoying links. Sorry about the last time.
Rock on :)
At 6/23/2006 7:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh, um Daveigh, is there supposed to be what looks like an Easter egg in the homepage box that usually has a picture of you? Just wondering. :)
At 6/28/2006 1:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Daveigh, sorry about the Easter egg joke. LAAME, I know. One of my bad attempts at being funny.
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