thank you
Thanks to everyone who has responded to my post about building banners & stuff, and providing me with links to sites. I'm so grateful! I am incredibly busy with school right now, but as soon as I get a few minutes- or knowing me, I'll need a few hours!- I'm going to add all the links to the LINKS page. I will also try to figure out how to add some of the banners that some of you have sent me already, or that you are planning on sending. This is gonna be fun!! Rock On Party People!
At 3/23/2006 6:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
Aw, that's so nice of you, you seem like such a lovely person. I made you a enter sign for your enter page here:
I know it's not very good but I hope you like it and will maybe want to use it....
Oh and and I'll make you some banners soon too, I'm just a little busy right now.
At 3/23/2006 8:28 AM,
dave said…
hi daveigh
i found some more links for you to add to your links page.
you rock on too!:)
At 3/23/2006 2:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
hello daveigh i am so sry do you understad in russian??
At 3/24/2006 5:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think you are so pretty good at this not at all ok
At 3/25/2006 4:14 AM,
dave said…
dear daveigh
i want to say sorry for the liric i send yesterday'cos a few minutes after i've sended it to you i thoaght:''what if daveigh thinks i'm a guy who can only hate?''or''what if she hates me for my song?'cos her lirics are so much different than that liric i've sended''.
people cant get me mad very quick but when they say negative things about you,all hell breaks loose.
i hate to fight and i dispise war but when they make me mad,may god have mercy on their worthless souls 'cos i wont...anyway,
that's why i wrote that song just to show you how much i love you and how much i hate the people who hate you.
and as i sayd in the comment yesterday,
i will always stand up for you,
you're my idol and i wont tolerate if anyone talks negative about you
that just makes me mad,
so daveigh,please dont hate me for my liric,'cos some people do and to be honest i sleep really bad tonight 'cos i've been worrying sick about''what if daveigh does'nt like me anymore and does'nt post/read any of my comments''.
this is a real releaf that i send you this so that you know a part of the real me.(and only my nice and the drummer of the band i'm in know the real me)
i've seen you doing a lot of peace signs,i do too and often listen to a song called''america the brutal'' of six feet under.
it's cool how chris(the singer)screams;''NO WAR!'' at the chorus.
At 3/25/2006 7:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
To dear Daveigh Chase i like website daveigh chase
At 3/31/2006 12:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
hi daveigh...Ü
i am one of your big fans.. i heard "Fallin" on your site and fell in love with the song! hope you can post the whole song, your voice is really good!Ü and also i can't find any lyrics of it hope you can post it here or somethin... good luck on your career!
At 4/05/2006 11:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hiya Daveigh!
It's Alice again! I just wanted to let you know, there is loads and loads of people on myspace pretending to be you! I told them to stop but they aren't replying!
Just thought I would let you know! =)
BYEEE rock on!
al xx
At 4/11/2006 8:16 AM,
Rob Tokarz said…
Stellar stuff. I was just running around blogspot looking for interesting things to read after I set up a blog about my art when I read yours, and only then did I realize WHO you were :-) haha. Great Stuff, I just bought "The Ring" the other day, always love a good scare - if you're interested in sharing links :-)
At 4/11/2006 8:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
how are you doing? I know some guys that do great photoshop and banners and things like that, just follow the link and join the club. hope to talk to you soon.
At 4/12/2006 12:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
Just thought I'd drop a line and recomend a site that would help with your html help. You have to join though, but its a pretty nice community.
At 4/13/2006 4:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
u would like DZK
his raps are as true blue as your gorgeous veins.
ha thought i was gonna say eyes? THINK AGAIN
At 4/16/2006 6:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
Daveigh you're awesome! Can't wait till you update next. Shannon.
At 4/17/2006 4:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
When you do get back here,
Here's a poem I just wrote for Easter.
There is a wonder known to all man,
that shows itself on heaven's plain.
Hope you like this one as much as the last.
Rock on:)
The beuty after the storm, which to our delight takes form.
An allegory of the fact, that good comes from bad times, not matter how black.
As in Christ's tragic death on the cross, with which he showed his unfailing love for us.
Then when all seemed lost and over,He broke loose of death's cord's forever.
He ascended on high, where there is room, for everyone near his throne,
Who accept Jesus into their hearts, In His kingdom they will have a part.
Now I hope that every day, when we behold a rainbow, we'll see it in quite a different way.
And see how it reflects that story truly, in all it's grace, and it's beuty.
At 4/19/2006 3:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
off topic BUT big love has just been renewed for a second season!! looks like we'll be seeing daveigh weekly for another year of episodes. congratulations to you and your cast members.
At 4/21/2006 6:49 AM,
dave said…
hi daveigh
you're very busy you sayd in your post,so i'll keep it short.
i've heard you're going to release an album,
is that true?i hope it is,cos when it's released,i'll buy it for sure.
and about that song i've promised to put on my blog,i did'nt succeed,sorry:(,i'm really,really sorry,forgive me,i'd really wanted you to hear it,i hope you wanted to hear it too.
i've written more songs about you,but they're not like the one you've readed,these are very positive.
i can send one to you if you want too.
succes with school and all the other things you're planning to do.
you succeed in everything you do so succeeding wont be a problem for you=)
take care,
At 4/24/2006 8:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
HI! =)
First of all!!! You as samara was perfect!!! second, found out you like music and PLAY guitar is perfect, perfect, very very perfect!!!!!!
Daveih, I'm joão Andrade from Recife/PE - Brazil. I watched "the ring 2 lot time ago, but last week I watched the ring two and... "my life changed".
since that time I'm trying to find you or one way to talk with you. thanks god I found your own web site. I'm sad cause don't heva a public email, but you have a blog =))))
And a hope ansiously you read my coment and answer me.
I would like talk to you many things 'bout movies, music, theaters plays, and any thing else!
I know you are busy with school, but i'm very very pacient and I'll wait for all time, time was necessary to recieve an answer from you, friend!!!
Have a nice day!
At 4/24/2006 4:41 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sorry Daveigh, God know how I would like to talk with you, I'm hearing "Falling" is just a little piece of it.
Daveigh, your favorite color is blue?
it mine too =)
your guitar is blue, my Lysh (my guitar Les Paul, I love it, is black and green, I never knows, heheeh)
God bless you !
At 5/29/2006 4:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
You're really scary in The Ring. I'm scared forever now. You rock!
(Did you play Samara in Scary Movie three?
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