answering comments.....
*hi to emily’s brother, glad your a fan! movies in the future! i sure hope so!! not sure what’s happening w/ hbo show right now, i’m contracted to hbo, so it all depends on when i start filming season 2 of big love.
*to anon who said take a pix of me inside a cup? well, how does that prove it’s me? oh- wait cuz i post your comment and my response this- and say ok, and then i take a picture of me w/ my hand inside a cup?? duh! that’s cool. will do. haha the hand in the cup picture! i will put it?? where should i put it? maybe if it looks good i’ll put it on my homepage lol or maybe make it my new blog picture, that is a better idea, i’m tired of the one i’m using anyhow. k, thx.
*to anon who says i don’t have a sister, well how do you even know? cuz yah, i do. and she’s my big sis! haha so there hehe
*....i’ve never been to connecticut. would like to. i love to travel :)
*to anon who actually wrote his name as “charles gaspard” in the comments section. i really shouldn’t respond to or post your comment/letter, but i will. it could be a learning experience for others.... so 2 things for you--
1)no, i don’t have a boyfriend, i’m not even allowed to date yet. and
2) i’m still only a child. i’m only 15 and no way even if i could date, that i would be dating someone who is 30. you are an adult and i'm a kid. that’s just a little... and please don’t take this the wrong way- but that’s just wrong. that is definitely not a healthy relationship. i’m sure if you do look around, there are plenty of women closer to your own age who would enjoy your company.
never give up on love... just my thoughts.
*to samara morgan- thanks for accepting the truce that was offered. and i’m sorry you’ve been sad.
*marissa- i guess i didn’t understand your comment.
*my height- at the dr office i was measured as 5’8” and that was standing barefoot. i assume it was correct. i feel like 5’7” though. haha maybe i need to stand w/ better posture and maybe i was at the dr’s lol!! also, when i last saw lindsay lohan- i was definitely taller than her, she seemed so tiny. and if i’m gonna grow more?? my mom says i’m a late bloomer! (btw- so was she :) so who really knows. if i stay this ht, i’m good, and if i grow another inch or 2, i’m still good :) :) it’s all good.
thx guys! keep’em coming! i’ll try to answer as many as i can & post several of them. you may notice i don’t post all the repeated comments. just saving blog space. if that matters.
*to anon who said take a pix of me inside a cup? well, how does that prove it’s me? oh- wait cuz i post your comment and my response this- and say ok, and then i take a picture of me w/ my hand inside a cup?? duh! that’s cool. will do. haha the hand in the cup picture! i will put it?? where should i put it? maybe if it looks good i’ll put it on my homepage lol or maybe make it my new blog picture, that is a better idea, i’m tired of the one i’m using anyhow. k, thx.
*to anon who says i don’t have a sister, well how do you even know? cuz yah, i do. and she’s my big sis! haha so there hehe
*....i’ve never been to connecticut. would like to. i love to travel :)
*to anon who actually wrote his name as “charles gaspard” in the comments section. i really shouldn’t respond to or post your comment/letter, but i will. it could be a learning experience for others.... so 2 things for you--
1)no, i don’t have a boyfriend, i’m not even allowed to date yet. and
2) i’m still only a child. i’m only 15 and no way even if i could date, that i would be dating someone who is 30. you are an adult and i'm a kid. that’s just a little... and please don’t take this the wrong way- but that’s just wrong. that is definitely not a healthy relationship. i’m sure if you do look around, there are plenty of women closer to your own age who would enjoy your company.
never give up on love... just my thoughts.
*to samara morgan- thanks for accepting the truce that was offered. and i’m sorry you’ve been sad.
*marissa- i guess i didn’t understand your comment.
*my height- at the dr office i was measured as 5’8” and that was standing barefoot. i assume it was correct. i feel like 5’7” though. haha maybe i need to stand w/ better posture and maybe i was at the dr’s lol!! also, when i last saw lindsay lohan- i was definitely taller than her, she seemed so tiny. and if i’m gonna grow more?? my mom says i’m a late bloomer! (btw- so was she :) so who really knows. if i stay this ht, i’m good, and if i grow another inch or 2, i’m still good :) :) it’s all good.
thx guys! keep’em coming! i’ll try to answer as many as i can & post several of them. you may notice i don’t post all the repeated comments. just saving blog space. if that matters.
At 2/08/2006 1:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
Do you like me Now Daveigh CHase
At 2/08/2006 12:26 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey davrigh great update, wots yur sisters name? do you get along well? oh and i luv the pic on your homepage. i cnt wait to see the photoshoot pics and you looked soo pretty at both premiers!
At 2/09/2006 6:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
hi! me again..:)
i was thinkin' were wud i post, whether here or on the other hehe...
well nvr just cn't get still..haha..
so.. i think u've just said ur doing another photo shoot, and i've heard ur photographer's jonathan...well i hope he doesn't lost his eyes while starin' nd focusing the lenses of his camera on you..haha..just jokin'..good luck on your nxt photo shoot....hmmm..i can't wait till i see you again in another lovely pic...
ur so lovely daveigh^^
tc nd evrythin'
shine and smile my daveigh^_^
At 2/09/2006 10:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
What do you feel about «Donnie Darko» as a spectator?
--Anton, Russia
At 2/10/2006 6:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
hi! i'm srry if i can't just stop posting.....
well don't mind posting it anyway:)
would you mind to listen to the song Baby girl - saosin....
thoughts just come out of my mind that this one's may relate to you, somethin' like that....i guess??
and if it looks a lil' bit too not suitable to you hearin' can ignore the song but just plzz observe the message of the song..specially when it closes to ends..a voice fades..saying...^^
"she's so lovely"
nd that's you... is!...^_^
hope you'd hear it
tc and may GOD shower you lots of love! BIG
gud day my daveigh..
At 2/10/2006 7:25 AM,
Anonymous said…
HAPPY VALENTINES! in advance..
At 2/10/2006 12:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
thank you for the respond daveigh!!
i am hoping to see the commercial soon! i want to see you agen other than in pictures so hope to see you on TV soon!!
At 2/10/2006 3:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey daveigh! ive been a fan of yours for at least 4 years and i wanted to know if I could be friends with you on myspace. it would mean so much to me!!
At 2/11/2006 5:07 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey! ^^ Mm to make a long story short, I never saw "Lilo & Stitch" and meant to for soooo long and I finally saw it and Lilo is the cutest freakin' voice I ever heard! *lol* So, naturally I had to find out who acted her. :D And geez I was so surprised to find out you were the creepy little girl in "The Ring" too... but then now it doesn't freak me out so much. *lol* Anyways, all that to say, I just wanted to say 'hey' and you seem like a cool girl. ^^ I'll be sure to look out for you in future projects! Take care *hugs*
~ Akemi
At 2/11/2006 10:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
I try DONUT last time
At 2/11/2006 10:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
ummmmmmm yammy donut!!!
At 2/12/2006 10:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
I dunnoi daveigh, connecticut is prrretty boring. We're up to our neckss in snow right now. Ugh. Send good thoughts for better weather.
At 2/12/2006 10:44 AM,
Goose said…
I'm not trusthworthy. Trust me.
At 2/12/2006 1:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Daveigh!! Wow I never knew you had a website, cool!! You're an amazing actress!! I love The Ring, i didn't find it scary (i'm 15) but my friend still thinks you're going to come out of the tv and kill her and we saw it like 2 years ago. He He. I live in Ireland so you have fans worldwide!! By the way who would you most like to work with in a movie? Rock on, love,
Emer xxx
At 2/13/2006 12:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
hi! How you doing so far?
It been quite long since you've posted on your blog, i guess??
evryone misses you...
including me...
i miss you...
It really makes me sad when your not around... :(
btw, Happy Valentines... my daveigh.
take care nd have fun...
smile... :)
At 2/14/2006 4:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
HAPPY VALENTINES day.....^^ my daveigh...
btw, you look nice on your pic in myspace..^_^.
soooo keeeuuuuuwwwwtttt!!
and lovely!..:)
"don't kick the sun"
take care my daveigh...
At 2/14/2006 11:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Daveigh :) ! Your blogs are so cool to read ;)! It's real fun to know what it's like being famous....I loved you in The Ring (my fave movie btw lol) you were great! Your singing is amazing...have you had any thoughts of releasing an album like you said you'd like to do? You're soooo inspirational, oh and also I think your hair is gorgeous! ;) C ya! Emz
PS: I wish I was as tall as you hehe :)
At 2/15/2006 12:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Daveigh. im a big fan since i saw you as Samantha Darko in Donnie Darko, and been following your career since then. just to say that i have heard some song in the music section, and i think you have an amazing singing voice. keep on your good work
At 2/15/2006 1:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Just wan't to let you know that I entered my poem into the A\G fine arts festival, which is basically a festival of church worship band music, groups doing human videos, poetry judging.etc. Pretty awesome stuff.
I didn't do good enough to make it to state judging, but I did get a pretty good overall score.
Also, Is there SOME way I could prove to you that you should let me into your Space?
I'm a christian as you already know, and have alot in common with you. Yes, it sounds weird, the idea of a celebrity like you letting in a complete stranger like me.
But just MAYBE, somehow?
You won't regret it.
I hope don't sound too desperate.
Please consider.
Rock on. :)
At 2/16/2006 10:32 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hola Daveigh! Amo sus peliculas, y amo su cantar! Quisiera una dedicatoria satisfago tan el conjunto encima de un direccionamiento del correo pronto!
At 2/16/2006 10:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
I do like Samara Morgan so much send me back samara morgan.
I wanted to say Happy Valentin'es day??
At 2/24/2006 2:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
song by Anonymous: you are a Poser
I think that would be Real Daveigh Chase i think??
At 3/06/2006 11:02 AM,
dave said…
i bet you hear/read this a lot;YOU'RE THE BEST!
i have a few questions,please anwser them when you have enough time.
0)i'm kinda/very worried about you,you are a very busy(and talented and goodlookin)girl,you have so many things to do like:going to premieres,recording songs,acting,being perfect(really,you are.).do you even have time for yourself?dont you need to have some peace and quiet at sometimes?getting away from the chaos?
1)how does it feels to be perfect?(only you can anwser it 'cos you are)
2)i read on a lot of fansites the you dont have a boyfriend,sorry but i dont believe it,'cos you are the most talented,pretty and beautiful person who will ever walk the earth.
3)when you wrote/sing the song fallin',to who did you dedicated it to?
4)i've readed you're a christian,it that true?'cos i've seen you wearing a limp bizkit and korn t-shirt.and as far as i know christians hate korn and limp bizkit,so.....i did'nt believe it.
5)you like country music right?what do you think of uncle kracker?do you know him?
6)you're the best i wish i were you.(that was'nt really a question:))
7)i think chram_ze has a crush on you,what boy does'nt:)
would you date/marry(when you think the time is right)one of your fans?
8)who are your greatest idols
9)do you know the band''cannibal corpse''?people think their lirics are extremely offensive,what do you think of it?their lirics can be readed
10)do you know a funny rap/metal band called''insane clown posse''?
they have very funny songs like;lil' somethin'somethin' ,house of horrors,skitsofrantic,and tons of more.
11)people say there are no perfect people but everytime you look in the mirror/i look at a picture of you,you/i see the only perfect person ever.i wish i was you.
i have more questions but it would take to long to read for you(it are more questions than a man could ever ask).
i wish i was famous too,you know,
i'm determined to get famous with the band i'm in and if i sucseed,i really hope i'll meet you(it's one of my goals that i want to have completed before i die)anyway,
i want to say something to chram_ze,
i understand your feelings for daveigh
and daveigh,i really hope i'll meet you one day.
At 3/12/2006 8:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ohh Thank you
Daveigh CHase for Valentine's day
At 4/12/2006 3:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
>> 1)no, i don’t have a boyfriend, i’m not even allowed to date yet. and
>> 2) i’m still only a child. i’m only 15 and no way even if i could date,
Different cultures have different opinions on adulthood but maturity is a whole other question. Take your time.
The picture of you on IMDB doesn't do you justice, they really should update it to something more recent. I'm surprised the little girl from Oliver Beene is now such a beautiful young woman.
Best of luck
Anon fan
At 4/20/2006 7:37 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi,Daveigh this is chase again I have a my space profile ie you want to view it
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