lotsa nice comments! thx guys!!
right now, just answering some questions.....
ok, yes, i do think actress anna faris is funny! i met her at premiere of her movie "Just Friends", she seemed very nice, i didn't really hang out with her, she's older and was with alot of her friends. but i thought she was hilarious in the movie! she popped up in another movie too, but i just forgot the name of it,
so yah, she rocks!
and fender guitar- to the person who hates them? well, to each his own!! lol
guitars have different sounds, and you have to find the one that works best for you and your style of playing...
i'm no guitar expert at all though.... but i do have this amazing American made Fender, i love it, but i still want a Gibson too!
a Les Paul, it's just a different sound than the Fender, and they also look alot different too.
acoustic vs electric? well, i did start off on an acoustic! a little classic. a yamaha, not too expensive at all, anyone could afford it and i recommend it really. i love acoustic sound! but i want the more rock sound that can be heard on my fender!! as i continue to get better, i'd like to get another acoustic, a taylor!!
about a message board for me? NO i wouldn't post on it or even visit it. sry. but thank you. not my thing. i think it's great if someone wants to have one for me, and mine was fine for awhile but i prefer this better. so no, i wouldn't even visit it, not trying to be mean.
about the picture of me on my homepage. thx, glad everyone likes it so much! i was just going out with my friends one nt last wk, and we snapped some pix. and no, i'm not inside my house, i was at my friends house. thx for comments about my clothes too! glad ppl like my style, that's cool. i pretty much wear what i wanna wear, i don't really care if something is in or out, it's more like how i feel in it. sometimes the best thing to wear is just a pair of comfy sweatpants & a favorite tee!!! and about make up- maybe you can tell? i think Less is More :-) i'm just 15, and i guess i could look alot older if i did wear more makeup, and sometimes i do!! but mostly, it's la naturale. much better look for me. at least, that's what i'm thinkin today.....
my height!! haha quite the debate about how tall i am! so very funny too! well, drum roll please!!! haha
i am 5'8" right now. but i think i'm still growing.... i'd like to be around 5'10" but if i stop here, that's fine too! i'm taller than most of my friends now. it's funny because they were always taller than me when we were younger, i think they grew earlier, guess i'm a late bloomer lol haha
to person who keeps saying they are me~ rock on. glad you like me so much. but i'm not gonna post your comments here and confuse ppl, especially if they aren't nice. i'd like to think i am a nice person. i wouldn't want to be mean to ppl. and don't you believe in karma? be careful, cuz it always comes back..... what you put out there.
finally, to poster named samara morgan, i can't really post your comments cuz you keep saying the F*** word and young kids come on my website, and though i think ppl can say what they wanna say, i don't think kids should have to read it, or hear it, or even adults who don't like cussing. i love kids, and i want kids to be able to come w/o their parents worrying about what they might read. this website is rated G haha. ok, well, let's make that PG! but just keep it clean, and i'll post your stuff!!!
i think that's about it for now!
i have math to do, so gotta get at it, also wanna finish up w/ homework so i can practice guitar....
and maybe go hiking and take some pics. still lovin landscapes!
do you guys like to hike? it's one of my favorite things to do these days.
lotsa nice comments! thx guys!!
right now, just answering some questions.....
ok, yes, i do think actress anna faris is funny! i met her at premiere of her movie "Just Friends", she seemed very nice, i didn't really hang out with her, she's older and was with alot of her friends. but i thought she was hilarious in the movie! she popped up in another movie too, but i just forgot the name of it,
so yah, she rocks!
and fender guitar- to the person who hates them? well, to each his own!! lol
guitars have different sounds, and you have to find the one that works best for you and your style of playing...
i'm no guitar expert at all though.... but i do have this amazing American made Fender, i love it, but i still want a Gibson too!
a Les Paul, it's just a different sound than the Fender, and they also look alot different too.
acoustic vs electric? well, i did start off on an acoustic! a little classic. a yamaha, not too expensive at all, anyone could afford it and i recommend it really. i love acoustic sound! but i want the more rock sound that can be heard on my fender!! as i continue to get better, i'd like to get another acoustic, a taylor!!
about a message board for me? NO i wouldn't post on it or even visit it. sry. but thank you. not my thing. i think it's great if someone wants to have one for me, and mine was fine for awhile but i prefer this better. so no, i wouldn't even visit it, not trying to be mean.
about the picture of me on my homepage. thx, glad everyone likes it so much! i was just going out with my friends one nt last wk, and we snapped some pix. and no, i'm not inside my house, i was at my friends house. thx for comments about my clothes too! glad ppl like my style, that's cool. i pretty much wear what i wanna wear, i don't really care if something is in or out, it's more like how i feel in it. sometimes the best thing to wear is just a pair of comfy sweatpants & a favorite tee!!! and about make up- maybe you can tell? i think Less is More :-) i'm just 15, and i guess i could look alot older if i did wear more makeup, and sometimes i do!! but mostly, it's la naturale. much better look for me. at least, that's what i'm thinkin today.....
my height!! haha quite the debate about how tall i am! so very funny too! well, drum roll please!!! haha
i am 5'8" right now. but i think i'm still growing.... i'd like to be around 5'10" but if i stop here, that's fine too! i'm taller than most of my friends now. it's funny because they were always taller than me when we were younger, i think they grew earlier, guess i'm a late bloomer lol haha
to person who keeps saying they are me~ rock on. glad you like me so much. but i'm not gonna post your comments here and confuse ppl, especially if they aren't nice. i'd like to think i am a nice person. i wouldn't want to be mean to ppl. and don't you believe in karma? be careful, cuz it always comes back..... what you put out there.
finally, to poster named samara morgan, i can't really post your comments cuz you keep saying the F*** word and young kids come on my website, and though i think ppl can say what they wanna say, i don't think kids should have to read it, or hear it, or even adults who don't like cussing. i love kids, and i want kids to be able to come w/o their parents worrying about what they might read. this website is rated G haha. ok, well, let's make that PG! but just keep it clean, and i'll post your stuff!!!
i think that's about it for now!
i have math to do, so gotta get at it, also wanna finish up w/ homework so i can practice guitar....
and maybe go hiking and take some pics. still lovin landscapes!
do you guys like to hike? it's one of my favorite things to do these days.
At 1/25/2006 5:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
hi! daveigh ur site's sooo keeeeuuwwwttttt! just like u.. even w/ or w/out makeups :)............. btw... "happy valentines" 'n advance, hope u a hve a good day alwayz.. i like u... miss daveigh ^_~.
At 1/25/2006 7:40 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Daveigh This is Chris From
Kingston Ontario can you believe
that person who comes on here
by the name of samara morgan
It seems he/she can't get it
through their head that your
Daveigh Oh well. I hope you see
this because your my favorite
actress and it would mean so much
to me if I could here from you.
Thank you.
At 1/25/2006 8:22 AM,
Anonymous said…
hey daveigh, i luv to hike too! do you watch the OC? i luv it, and desperate housewives and lost, theyre all my favourites! can u plz upload tossin and turnin?
At 1/25/2006 1:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wow, you're now 5'8"? That is amazing! Lol. It's makes me feel like a little midget because I'm only 5'1". But then again, I'm only 13 years old (well, nearly lol) . I think it's really nice that you take the time to answer questions and read comments and you don't get mad if people pretend to be you. That is really cool how you do that.
To answer your question, I've never been hiking before but I would like to try it one day :):)
Oh and here's a question for you: what's your favourite subject at school? Because I read somewhere that you had trouble with Maths and somewhere else it said you loved Maths, so I am a bit confused. xxxxxxxxxxxx
At 1/25/2006 1:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Cool. Glad you got that fender.
Rock on dude.
Still wondering if I can dedicate that poem to you.
This may sound kinda silly, but could we get to know each other better? Here's Myspace: myspace.com\dong_ding
You'll see I like alot of the same stuff you do.
So could you please check it out?
At 1/25/2006 2:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
wow! i hope you get really good at it!! would you play it for us if you wanted to? i would love to hear how it sounds! once you get really good would you play it along with your songs? plz reply!
-your big fan emily
At 1/25/2006 3:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Daveigh!!!
I think, you are a really greate actress and you are beautiful! It would be really cool, if you´d put some more pics that you took on your page! (pics of you) or something! :) That would be so kind of you! like the new one on your page!! :) thank you!
Nora :)
At 1/25/2006 8:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Daveigh,
I'm looking forward to your Mammoth Mt pics being posted.
At 1/26/2006 2:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hay There Daveigh Chase, I am So Happy with you to day. I Hope you have a nice weekand for you YEAHH!!. DAVEIGH Chase you are the best in the world. ^_____^
Daveigh Chase is HOTS^_______^
Daveigh Chase is Beauitful^_____^
Daveigh Chase is CUTE^_______^
Daveigh Chase is soooo Cute ^_____^
Daveigh Chase is Special ^______^ :D.
At 1/26/2006 5:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
HAPPY VALENTINES daveigh... ^_^ in advance.... wish i cud c u... ur sooooooo pretty!!
At 1/26/2006 9:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
To Daveigh Chase and Everyone,
"thats it" I would like to come and........ you. I didn't do anthing everyone and Daveigh "GOSH". I WILL....... and come and get you like......... ummmmmmm be carful Daveigh and Everyone Be Carful the way to wrote to about me and beind my back??? if you dare wrote behinde my back. if someone did call me Strange like M. Gilly and i WILL GIVE YOU...... and one more time? you understand Daveigh and Everyone??
At 3/12/2006 8:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Dear Daveigh,
I wrote you a letter a while back.I don't know if you've gotten it yet but if you gotten it yet but when you do could you do me a favor. I told you in the letter that I liked a girl named Stephanie well I don't like her anymore because she is dating my freind Curtis.You see I'll probably keep the letter that you write back so could you not mention Stephanie in it,please.Curtis may want to read the letter you write me and I don't want him hating me over it because me and him are really good freinds and me and Stephanie are really good freinds too. well any way things are going good for me.I'm 16 and I get my Drivers liscense in 3 weeks.At school i've become known as "Rainbow" Because last year I died my hair green and then blue and then blonde. my world history teacherMr.Wilson gave me the nickname.He said."Man Chase you went from green,to blue, to blonde. we're gonna have to start calling you rainbow".Also me and my freind Curtis have been lifting weights in P.E.we have to do 20 lifts at each weight lifting thing and curtis says if I drop the weights or if my backs not sraight or if I'm not lifting Right he's gonna make me start over.One more thing I'm a christian to I even have a bible with my name engraved on it. well I'll write you some other time,
sincerely Chase Gossett-Spicer
At 3/18/2006 4:56 AM,
dave said…
hi daveigh
so you like guitars too,did you see the guitar of kerry king?(the lead guitarist of SLAYER)do you know slayer?
or did you see the guitar called''the beastmaster''?.it's an awesome guitar.
please tell me what you think of the guitars,and slayer of course
my blog is;
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