what's going on with you guys??
hey everyone,
just saying "hey" !!
and wanted to post pix from chiller!
btw did i say how much fun i had at CHILLER!
i did in last post, but i have to say again, thanks to all the fans i met! they were all so nice and supportive and just it's so awesome to know ppl appreciate what i've done, and care about what i'm going to be doing!
oh- at this show--and i gotta say that this is the only time that i know of that i made someone mad ((oops!))
this guy wanted me to sign a guitar he had made for "the ring", ((it looked pretty sweet too!))
but he already had "samara's" signature. so i politely declined, i didn't see why he needed mine, and he asked why- and maybe my reason was not explained well enough, cuz he asked again, so i let my mom take care of it hehe sry mom for making you the bad guy!!
and she's like, sry daveigh doesn't want to, she isn't feeling well, she's having a bad day, something like that ((my friend chris who works with chiller came over and said he had talked to the guy and explained the situation to him so he'd understand why i chose not to sign that particular item, and several other celebs said they wouldn't have signed it either))....but i'll just say, the guy was not happy about it and was even a little unpleasant. and i feel bad that he was upset, but still----> i wouldn't sign it now if he asked me. i'm not trying to be mean, but i think i have the right to sign what i want to, and i don't want to sign something that someone else has signed, someone who may have taken credit for my work, who lets ppl think they were me when i was me. linda blair had this similar problem with her standin/dbl from the exorcist. i guess this does happen a lot. and it's not the guitar guys fault i know, but maybe if he had checked it out more or not, whose to say right? i just know i can't sign it, so hopefully he'll be ok about it, and i'd hope he'd understand but since he didn't get what he wanted, who knows, but i just have to do what makes me feel right. but still i hope he isn't still mad wherever he is........
one more thought of chiller- some guy came and asked my mom if he could take pix of me with his friend, she was like sure!while we were waiting for his friend to come over, he shows my mom these rather sexy seductive poses of women with his friend- and asks my mom for photo approval, my mom is just like looking at him like what the heck? and he says, he wants to make sure it's ok for me to pose with his friend in these poses! my mom's mouth sorta dropped way open and she managed to nicely say, you know, daveigh is only just 15, and under no circumstances will she be posing like this with your friend! the guy was like "i didn't know she was only 15!" & he folded up his tripod and left so fast, it was kinda funny, eddie was sitting there rolling his eyes at the whole thing!
speaking of these shows, wow! sitting there in a hard chair for 7-8 hours and smilling just about the whole time, and giving autographs and getting your picture taken and chatting is hard work! it's super fun meeting all the ppl,& i do like talking to them and answering all their questions, but still- my cheeks start to hurt at some point!
ok, well taking off to go eat chinese food with my Gramma!!! ♥
here are the pix from the show! enjoy!
just saying "hey" !!
and wanted to post pix from chiller!
btw did i say how much fun i had at CHILLER!
i did in last post, but i have to say again, thanks to all the fans i met! they were all so nice and supportive and just it's so awesome to know ppl appreciate what i've done, and care about what i'm going to be doing!
oh- at this show--and i gotta say that this is the only time that i know of that i made someone mad ((oops!))
this guy wanted me to sign a guitar he had made for "the ring", ((it looked pretty sweet too!))
but he already had "samara's" signature. so i politely declined, i didn't see why he needed mine, and he asked why- and maybe my reason was not explained well enough, cuz he asked again, so i let my mom take care of it hehe sry mom for making you the bad guy!!
and she's like, sry daveigh doesn't want to, she isn't feeling well, she's having a bad day, something like that ((my friend chris who works with chiller came over and said he had talked to the guy and explained the situation to him so he'd understand why i chose not to sign that particular item, and several other celebs said they wouldn't have signed it either))....but i'll just say, the guy was not happy about it and was even a little unpleasant. and i feel bad that he was upset, but still----> i wouldn't sign it now if he asked me. i'm not trying to be mean, but i think i have the right to sign what i want to, and i don't want to sign something that someone else has signed, someone who may have taken credit for my work, who lets ppl think they were me when i was me. linda blair had this similar problem with her standin/dbl from the exorcist. i guess this does happen a lot. and it's not the guitar guys fault i know, but maybe if he had checked it out more or not, whose to say right? i just know i can't sign it, so hopefully he'll be ok about it, and i'd hope he'd understand but since he didn't get what he wanted, who knows, but i just have to do what makes me feel right. but still i hope he isn't still mad wherever he is........
one more thought of chiller- some guy came and asked my mom if he could take pix of me with his friend, she was like sure!while we were waiting for his friend to come over, he shows my mom these rather sexy seductive poses of women with his friend- and asks my mom for photo approval, my mom is just like looking at him like what the heck? and he says, he wants to make sure it's ok for me to pose with his friend in these poses! my mom's mouth sorta dropped way open and she managed to nicely say, you know, daveigh is only just 15, and under no circumstances will she be posing like this with your friend! the guy was like "i didn't know she was only 15!" & he folded up his tripod and left so fast, it was kinda funny, eddie was sitting there rolling his eyes at the whole thing!
speaking of these shows, wow! sitting there in a hard chair for 7-8 hours and smilling just about the whole time, and giving autographs and getting your picture taken and chatting is hard work! it's super fun meeting all the ppl,& i do like talking to them and answering all their questions, but still- my cheeks start to hurt at some point!
ok, well taking off to go eat chinese food with my Gramma!!! ♥
here are the pix from the show! enjoy!
At 11/09/2005 10:30 AM,
Anonymous said…
Haa haa I'm first! :D
Hey Daveigh how are you? Glad you had a great time! I can't believe that guy who wanted to take pictures!! Hope you have a great week! And I thought you were awsome as Samara in The Ring! You were much better than Kelly Stables! You should take the credit for Samara, because you were the original one. Plus you had a much bigger role and you were much better than the girl who played her in the second movie.
At 11/09/2005 11:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
u not go on your message board anymore. why? we does miss you on there.
At 11/09/2005 12:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Daveigh, glad to hear you had fun at Chiller.
I don't think i would have signed it either, the guy will get over it i'm sure.
You do look a little older in some of your pictures than 15, but then again in some you do look around that or younger.(my friend thought from seeing one of your current pictures you were 12). can't beleive the guy wanted to take those kind of pictures!
At 11/13/2005 12:25 PM,
Anonymous said…
i cant see any of the pics anywhere
At 11/13/2005 2:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey ya! glad you had a great time daveigh! please visit my interesting blog http://secret-temptations.blogspot.com !! thnx!!
At 11/14/2005 8:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
hey how are you? glad you had a fabulous time!! my name is carmen and i am 14 years old. i am american and i now live in england!! i am a big big fan of you but i've only just found out about your offical site and i love it!! it's very good daveigh! i have been a fan of you for 3 years and it would be super if you could read this. thanks daveigh!! xxx carmen
At 11/19/2005 2:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
Thats preety bad that that guy wanted to take those pictures.I have no clue what people are thinking.You are beutiful and really seem to be a very sweet girl keep up the good work
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